Terms and Conditions
  1. GENERAL. These terms form part of the DoNotCarry Terms and Conditions (the “Agreement”). All capitalized terms not defined herein have the meanings given to them in the Agreement.

  2. VENDOR CREDENTIALS. Any diversity, industry or other certifications made available to you through DoNotCarry (e.g., a minority-owned business certification) have been provided by third-party sellers and have not been independently verified by DoNotCarry. You should carefully review and validate any certifications and supporting information that you use to make your purchasing decisions. We take no responsibility and assume no liability for any certifications or supporting information provided by third-party sellers. For more information on the Seller Credentials Program, please see the policies and details available on the Seller Credential Program.

  3. SELLER DEBARMENT NOTIFICATION. This feature is designed to give you more information about third-party sellers on DoNotCarry Business. If you enable this notification feature, DoNotCarry Business will identify third-party sellers who have provided us information that matches an entity on the exclusion lists of the Office of Inspector General (OIG) of the U.S. Department of Health & Human Services’ (HHS) and the General Services Administration’s (GSA) System for Awards Management (SAM), and other exclusion lists as included on the Seller Debarment Notification Help Page, which is incorporated into these feature terms. DoNotCarry compares any storefront name or business name provided by the third-party seller with the applicable exclusion lists on a periodic basis. The feature does not provide information about parties related to the third-party sellers, such as owners, employees, affiliates or subsidiaries, and may not include information for certain sellers. Further information about these and other important limitations is available on the Seller Debarment Notification Program. This feature is not intended to be a replacement for your own policies and procedures related to the verification of third-party suppliers.

  4. DoNotCarry  TAX EXEMPTION PROGRAM. If your organization participates in the DoNotCarry Tax Exemption Program, your participation in the program is subject to the DoNotCarry Tax Exemption Program Terms & Conditions. If your Business Account has a tax exemption certificate associated with it, you acknowledge that any tax exempt purchase made from User Accounts must be paid for with the organization’s funds. Please refer to the DoNotCarry Tax Exemption Program Policy for additional detail.

  5. BUSINESS PRIME. If your Business Account purchases Business Prime, your use of Business Prime will be subject to the Business Prime Terms & Conditions.

  6. RECURRING DELIVERY. If your organization chooses to use Recurring Delivery, your use of the feature will be subject to the Recurring Delivery for Business Terms & Conditions.

  7. PROFESSIONAL USE SELECTION. To purchase certain professional use products, you must comply with additional policies applicable to those products (“Professional Use Policies”), have all necessary licenses, certifications and other credentials required by the Professional Use Policies (“Credentials”) and by applicable federal, state and local law, and provide evidence of your Credentials as required by DoNotCarry. The Professional Use Policies apply to the products described in the Healthcare Purchasing & Disclosure Policy and the Professional Beauty Policy.

    For any Credentials or related information you provide, you represent and warrant that you are the authorized Credential holder or have their authority to provide such Credentials and further that all purchases made using the Credentials are with the authority of the Credential holder.

  8. BETA SERVICES; ROADMAP DISCUSSIONS. DoNotCarry may make available to you or discuss with you products and services that are not yet generally available, including products and services labeled “beta”, “preview”, “pre-release” or “experimental” (each, a “Beta Service”). DoNotCarry does not guarantee that any Beta Service will ever be launched, or if launched, be made generally available. DoNotCarry does not guarantee that any participant in a Beta Service will have access to the generally available version after expiration of the beta period, or that any generally available version will contain the same or similar functionality as the version made available by DoNotCarry during the term of the Beta Service. You must comply with all policies and restrictions related to any Beta Service as posted on the DoNotCarry Business site or otherwise made available to you. The Beta Service, and any materials or other information about or involving (including the existence of or potential launch dates for) any Beta Service are considered DoNotCarry Confidential Information and subject to your confidentiality obligations in the Agreement.

  9. MULTIPLE LEGAL ENTITIES. Although your Business Account was originally registered for one legal entity, you may choose to permit your Affiliates to use your Business Account. Affiliates are legal entities that directly or indirectly control, are controlled by or are under common control with your business. By accessing your Business Account, each Affiliate agrees to the terms in the Agreement and agrees to be responsible for any actions taken using your Business Account (including services accessed and products purchased) and all associated User Accounts. If, at any time, an Affiliate no longer meets the definition of Affiliate, that Affiliate will promptly provide written notice to us and you will remove that Affiliate from your Business Account. The business that originally registered for your Business Account will also remain responsible for any actions taken by Affiliates. You agree that certain administrators of the Business Account will have access, visibility and control over the entire Business Account (including any activity of Affiliates). If you are working with DoNotCarry to formally set up your Business Account as a multiple legal entity account, you authorize DoNotCarry to access your Business Account and update your, and your Affiliates' account settings and registration details, as required.

  10. SPOT BUYS. We may assist you with one-time bulk purchases of products outside the normal processes of our website (“Spot Buys”). Spot Buys are subject to the same terms that apply when you place an order directly on our website, except as described below. To the extent that any provisions in these Spot Buy Terms conflict with the DoNotCarry Business Accounts Terms and Conditions, these Spot Buy terms will apply.
    10.1 Cancellation. You may not cancel a Spot Buy after you have placed the order.
    10.2 Returns and Refunds. DoNotCarry Returns Policies apply to Spot Buys, except that only those items in a Spot Buy that arrived damaged, defective or in nonconformance with the product description are eligible for return or refund.
    10.3 Spot Buys from Third-party Sellers. Some Spot Buys are offered by third-party sellers, who are independent businesses selling in the DoNotCarry business.  If you have a problem with a Spot Buy not covered by Returns and Refunds above, such as a late shipment, you should contact the third-party seller. If you are unable to resolve the problem, you may contact your Customer Advisor or Customer Service to assist you in resolving any concerns with the seller, but please note that DoNotCarry is not a party to the sale and may not be able to fully resolve any disputes between you and the seller. In addition, DoNotCarry Guarantee does not apply to Spot Buys.

  11. DONOTCARRY BUSINESS SYSTEM FOR AWARD MANAGEMENT REPRESENTATIONS AND CERTIFICATIONS. The DoNotCarry Business profile in the System for Award Management (SAM) includes representations and certifications that DoNotCarry Business makes in its capacity as the operator of the DoNotCarry Business store. The DoNotCarry Business store provides access to purchase goods, software, and services from a variety of parties, including DoNotCarry and third parties. These representations and certifications do not apply to the offer and sale of those goods, software, and services.