Hot Pink Days Ahead Bouquet
A vibrant arrangement of 4 hot pink roses, alstroemeria, carnations, mini carnations, daisies, and lush greenery.
Product Description
The "Hot Pink Days Ahead" bouquet radiates joy and positivity with its colorful blend of fresh flowers. This stunning arrangement features 4 hot pink roses, bright yellow alstroemeria, delicate white carnations, soft pink mini carnations, and cheerful daisies, all accented by lush greenery and tied with a bold red ribbon. Perfect for birthdays, celebrations, or to brighten someone’s day, this bouquet is a heartfelt way to express your sentiments. Please allow 24 hours for preparation to ensure the flowers are arranged at their peak freshness. Key Features: 4 vibrant hot pink roses Yellow alstroemeria for a pop of sunshine White carnations and pink mini carnations for elegance and charm Cheerful daisies for a playful touch Lush greenery accents Presented with a bold red ribbon Ideal for celebrations, special occasions, or thoughtful gifts
Product Return & Refund Policy
At Bea's Flowers & Gifts, we strive to provide beautiful floral arrangements and exceptional service. Please review our policies regarding substitutions, returns, and refunds: Substitution Policy: Occasionally, substitutions may be necessary to create your bouquet due to the availability of specific flowers in various regions. Every effort is made to maintain the style, theme, and color scheme of your arrangement using flowers of equal value. In single-flower arrangements, such as an all-rose bouquet or orchids, we will attempt to match the flower type but may substitute with another color if necessary. Substitutions of certain keepsake items may also occur due to increased demand, particularly during major holidays. Return and Refund Policy: Returns and refunds are at the discretion of the owner. Customers must request a return within 24 hours of receiving the product. The following conditions apply to all returns: The product must be returned in the same condition as it was sent. Proof of purchase, such as a receipt, is required. For additional information or inquiries, please contact us at: Telephone: 915-204-6918 Email: For further assistance, you may also reach out to DoNotCarry customer service at
Additional Information
Care Instructions | Keep in a cool area, replace water daily, and trim stems slightly every two days to maintain freshness. |
Preparation | 24 hours |